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死亡陷阱 正式版3号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁

死亡陷阱 正式版3号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁
所属游戏:死亡陷阱 正式版3号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁
死亡陷阱 正式版3号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁介绍




Fixed Bugs

•CD reduction values gained from Godlike Items are now applied correctly
•The side quest can be accomplished on Map 6 (Nameless Tomb) if you play in co-op mode
•From now on, you can respec trap and skill points with controller
•Bonuses provided by runes are now applied to Suicide Swarm trap
•From now on, your last try won't overwrite your existing map score if it's lower than the previous one
•On the wave victory screen you will have to confirm if you would like to restart the map to avoid unwanted situations

•The Tier settings for the maps have been checked and the correct ones are now applied
•From now on, epic items' requirement level will adjust to the item level.
•Items won't disappear if moving them by drag&drop if the stash is open.
•Left clicking on an enemy with a non damage dealing spell won't prevent you from achieving the sidequest "Complete the map without doing damage on your own"

•Icebolt now provides health per hit if an item with hp/hit is equipped.
•Scattershot's AOE passive does not damage allied units anymore
•Tick Mine Dispenser is now fixed in Co-Op
•Service Tower could drop the client due to the high bandwith usage, this has been fixed
•Fixed a glitch with trap research points
•Spring Mechanism Expertise now lowers the Razor Laucher's cooldown
•Winter Queen Sigil's battle upgrade "Reduced Delay" now increases the damage as it should
•Suicide Swarm now receives the bonuses from its runes
•Chickens summoned by Metamorphosis trap are now displayed on the map

•Grappler Bolt now works on client side
•In some case you were able to build traps in co-op mode even if you didn't have enough essences
•In co-op, the clients now also receive the reward from Jungle Chests
•Achievements are now unlocked at the client side too
•From now on, the sidequest can be done on Map VI "Nameless Tomb"


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