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死亡陷阱 正式版4号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁

死亡陷阱 正式版4号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁
所属游戏:死亡陷阱 正式版4号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁
死亡陷阱 正式版4号升级档+游侠原创免DVD补丁介绍




Fixed Bugs


For those who already published some User Generated Maps: It's advised to publish your UGC maps again, some bug fixes will be applied only in this case.

The Map Editing Contest Winner is Flikk, and his Co-Op map, the Armory got implemented in the game after receiving some graphical polishing from us.

An instant Lvl 100 exploit has been fixed.
From now on all players will receive XP in Co-Op, because the map level will be set to the players' average level.
Fast forward achievement can now be unlocked even if you speed up the game by keyboard.
New characters will no longer receive lvl 30 gear at start.
After reaching level 100, it could occur that XP was counted backwards, this has been fixed.
Some teleport pads have been fixed .
Godlike Items' tooltips have been fixed.
Stash related issues have been fixed.
Protector Spirits will now die if the summoner is killed in the distance.
Trap costs can't be lower than 10% of the original amount.
There was a misplaced mystical trap slot in Scenario XI, it has been fixed.
AN unusable trap has been removed from Tier 3 Abandoned Laboratories.
Skills & Traps:
Dirigblusa is now easier to hit and also receives constant damage from Desintegrating Ray.
Service Station essence cost is now displayed correctly in the tooltip.
Spectral serpent increased enemy's resistance instead of vulnerability, this is now fixed.
Chain Snare will now damage Giant and Boss enemies, but won't pull them towards the caster.
Archer Post work method (aggro range and spell cast range) have been modified.
Maps' configurations for co-op maps have been checked and the correct one is now applied.
Tick Mine's mine will be displayed on client side aswell.

by thegfw

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